Review the Final Project Guidelines.

Review the Final Project Guidelines. Then, conduct a review of the feedback provided to you by your instructor and peers for the research proposal assignment handed in last week. Make any necessary changes and explain why the decision to make those changes was made and how it will improve the overall strength of the proposal. … Read more


I need TASK 1 DONE IN THE NEXT 3 HOURS This is a DBA research class. There are 6 task that has to be completed and 6 discussions . Each task is individual. You can’t do TASK 2 if you haven’t received a passing grade on TASK 1, and you can’t move on to TASK … Read more

You will be creating an export business plan.

You will be creating an export business plan. Work must be original to this class, otherwise a grade of zero will be given. If no paper is submitted, a course grade of zero points will be given. Papers that do not contain detailed research will be severely penalized. No Wikipedia references are allowed. You do … Read more

Discuss your background and any exposure you have had to financial statements.

Discuss your background and any exposure you have had to financial statements.Describe your professional goals.Explain what you hope to gain from this course.Share what you enjoy doing in your free time.Then, to continue your initial post, research the major issues facing healthcare leaders and discuss the impact they will present on healthcare financial management over … Read more

Description: This assignment is an opportunity for our health communication community to share challenges and struggles, as well as provide and receive social support.

Description: This assignment is an opportunity for our health communication community to share challenges and struggles, as well as provide and receive social support.Due Dates: Original comment is due by Saturday @ 11:59 PM.A response to at least ONE classmate is due by Sunday @ 11:59 PMWord Requirement: None for this assignment. Share as much … Read more